Wednesday, October 21, 2020


     The proliferation of blue-white Biden-Harris signs on the prim lawns of $750,000 Fairfax County homes proclaims the staggering stupidity of their affluent white owners.  Some of these suburban sycophants, moreover, are determined to remove all doubt as to their self-destructive derangement by posting additional signs declaring their fawning solidarity with the so-called "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) movement -- which emphatically condemns as racism any ameliorating concession that White Lives (such as the lives of the feckless sign-posters' own white children) also matter.

     In this Northern Virginia suburb and in similar coastal American suburbs, millions of currently comfortable white suburbanites, and especially those of the notorious liberal "soccer mom" variety, are determined to engage in the equivalent of class and ethnic suicide by voting for a Democratic ticket that is openly and emphatically hostile to their interests and, more particularly, the interests of their own children.

Suburban Biden Voters:  "Clueless" as the Valley Girls           

     Although there are many issues on which the Biden-Harris ticket has staked out positions hostile to middle-class suburbanites -- like higher taxes and abolition of private health insurance options -- the 2020 Democrats have been especially radical in their advocacy of policies on race and law enforcement that are harmful to all Americans, but especially to white suburbanites.  Yet millions of these electoral sheep seem prepared to empower the very forces that are determined to shatter the quality of their own families' lives.

     An especially striking proof of the Democrats' abject subordination to the primacy of prejudicial racial preference in their policies and programs came at the very outset of Joe Biden's presidential campaign.  He openly and proudly declared that his choice of a vice-presidential candidate would be limited to black females.  The deliberate limitation of the prospects for a party's vice-presidential candidate (a person who could easily become President, especially in the case of a doddering geriatric Presidential candidate like Biden) to members of a specified race is outrageously ill-considered and -- well, racist.  Yet such a limitation surprised no one, because the Democrats' and Mr. Biden's subordination to the pressures of racialist radicals was so well known that it was taken for granted.

     Biden's selection of the ultra-radical Kamala Harris (see SR's post on Harris's radical racialism here) as his vice-presidential candidate left no doubt where the Democrats were headed on race and law enforcement issues:  complete subordination to the destructive agenda of the BLM movement and other radical racialist and anti-law enforcement elements.  Harris, after all, has openly encouraged and endorsed the incendiary BLM/Antifa riots that she and her party are pleased to portray as "peaceful demonstrations."  To note that such a surrender to the interests of rioting radicals is inimical to the well-being of law-abiding suburbanites, of all races, is to merely state the obvious.

     The Democrats' divisive and destructive racial agenda begins with their unqualified embrace of the spurious canard of so-called "white privilege."  This is the very center piece of their radical racial policies.  The Democratic Party, including the Biden-Harris ticket, believes that all white Americans are the beneficiaries of this fictitious "white privilege" and are therefore obligated to accept the burdens of purported "remedial" policies in everything from employment to education to housing to entertainment and more.  The multi-millions of poor, lower-, and middle-class whites who have struggled for a decent living, often unsuccessfully, throughout the nation's history will be surprised to discover that their difficult and sometimes miserable lots are now portrayed as a "privileged" existence owing to their being white.

     One part of the Democrats' program to rectify "white privilege" is to obliterate prosperous and peaceful suburban neighborhoods as we know them.  That is why President Obama weaponized federal housing policy to impose race-based federal zoning preferences on suburban neighborhoods deemed insufficiently "diverse" by race-obsessed bureaucrats.  One aspect of these policies would be to force the construction of anomalous multi-family housing projects in the midst of green single-family neighborhoods.  President Trump has acted to nullify this destructive and unwarranted housing policy.  The Biden-Harris ticket, however, would not only maintain it, but intensify it on ideological steroids.  

     So suburban supporters of the Democrat ticket are effectively inviting the regulatory degradation of the very neighborhoods they have chosen to live in.  

     Another neighborhood issue for clueless suburban Biden voters to consider is related to the epidemic of BLM-Antifa riots in the past year, triggered by the misrepresentation of police measures that sometimes result in the injury or death of black (and white) criminal suspects and perpetrators.  Although most of these riots were focused on cities like Portland and Seattle, other violent riots spread to more suburban locales, like Kenosha, Wisconsin.  Further, riot leaders have overtly threatened to bring more of their violent actions into suburban neighborhoods.  Yet these are the very activists that Kamala Harris has warmly endorsed and encouraged.  How white, or black, suburban voters can reconcile voting for Biden-Harris with their own family interests is beyond rational comprehension.

     White suburbanites supporting the Biden-Harris ticket are also endorsing their obligation to pay so-called "reparations" for the Southern States' practice of slavery that was forcibly terminated through a Civil War in which hundreds of "privileged" white Union infantry soldiers gave their lives.  The reparations that Kamala Harris and the Democrats propose would, inter alia, transfer payments from entirely innocent lower- and middle-class whites to middle- and upper-class blacks who suffered nothing from slavery, but who have benefitted greatly from what is now over 50 years of affirmative action and other racial preferences.

     When asked back in 2019 whether she was for or against reparations, Harris initially responded that her feelings on the question were "complicated."  Anyone who interpreted that as a suggestion that Harris might have qualms about reparations, however, would be promptly disillusioned by the radical senator's explanation that the "complications" she referenced were based on her view that "mere" monetary reparations would not be sufficient, let alone unwarranted.  Rather, the Democrats' vice-presidential candidate said that "[F]rankly, I don't believe that writing a check is gonna be enough."  Instead, Harris envisions an open-ended program encompassing reparations for blacks in the fields of education, home ownership, health outcomes, and presumably any other area in which a government controlled by Democrat reparationists can act.

     How or why white suburbanites -- or, indeed, any reasonable American citizen -- would seek to elect a candidate who espouses such destructive, divisive, and grossly unjust policies lies beyond the realm of rational explanation.

     Suburban supporters of the Biden-Harris ticket are also endorsing the continued corruption of their children's education in what remains of their neighborhood public schools.  As part of their determination to "rectify" the shiboleth of white privilege, Democrats nationwide have sought to interject grossly distorted courses on "systemic racism" and the supposed flaws of our Founding Fathers into the required curriculum of our elementary, secondary, and college level schools.  Outrageously, this process has already begun, but the election of the Biden-Harris ticket would emphatically accelerate and intensify this distortion of our education system.  Instead of receiving a sound fundamental education in math, science, and genuine American history, children and young people will be relentlessly indoctrinated with the false notion that our nation's greatest founders and leaders, like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, were nothing more than incorrigible racists.

     One could continue indefinitely with the catalogue of Democrat policies that are patently inimical to the interests of suburban families and their children -- not to mention the Nation as a whole -- but time and space are limited.  But the catalogue would be remiss without noting the Democrats' continued and relentless commitment to racial and ethnic preferences, under the guise of affirmative action, in critical areas such as education, college admissions, employment, and promotion.  

     Although America's Constitution, laws, and general public opinion are all firmly committed to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in all of these areas, the Democrats and their presidential ticket emphatically reject that sound and fair standard.  Instead, they demand the perpetual imposition of strict racial preferences without regard to whether those measures are needed to redress any actual discrimination.  That is why, as a prime example, universities throughout the nation continue to discriminate against white, and especially East Asian, applicants in their admissions policies, in complete disregard of the constitutional requirement for equal protection explained in authoritative Supreme Court decisions.  

     Significantly, Harvard University's egregious discrimination in favor of Blacks and Latinos, and against Asians and Whites, is presently being challenged in court by Asian students with the backing of the Trump Justice Department.  If elected, a Biden-Harris administration would not only withdraw support for this meritorious lawsuit, but undoubtedly encourage Harvard and all other colleges to continue discriminating against Asians and whites in the guise of affirmative action and "diversity" policies.  

     In short, suburban Biden supporters are voting for policies that will sacrifice their children's right to equal opportunity in seeking the college of their choice on the altars of white privilege reform and racial preference.

     Considering all the above and more, the motivation of white suburban voters in supporting the Biden-Harris ticket remains a profound mystery.  The election of that radical ticket would consign the children of these misguided voters to a dismal and disturbing future of subordinate status in the nation's policies and programs.