Sunday, August 16, 2020


     Splashing Rocks has repeatedly exposed and excoriated the grotesque distortion of America's racial issue by the left, the media, and the democrats in numerous articles in the past five years.  See Herehereherehere, here, and here.  

     In a nutshell, there is a relentless barrage of falsehoods concerning the chimera of white privilege and allegedly systemic white racism, when the reality is one of widespread anti-white racism and institutionalized preference for blacks.
   Alas, however, due to SR's incorrigible refusal to expand its readership through linkage to vile social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and the like, our acute and incisive message has gone largely unheeded.  The high intellectual quality of our readership (which is widely international in character) is inversely related to the quantity of our domestic readership.  

     Consequently, SR has refrained from posting on the incendiary racial radicalism inspired by the notorious George Floyd incident on the grounds that (1) we have already exposed and demolished the underlying fallacies of this movement, but with minimal notice; and (2) one does not want to waste effort in the form of a "voice crying in the wilderness."
   But the obscene murder of a five-year-old white lad by an angry, possibly BLM-inspired black man, however -- studiously and corruptly ignored by the entire mainstream TV and newspaper media -- demands every sane and civilized American to rise in furious protest.  This is mine.


 Little White Boys' Lives Don't Matter to the Media and the Left

    Cannon Hinnant, a lively little North Carolina lad, was shot point-blank near his home by a violent miscreant, reportedly named Darius Sessoms, for no known reason.  Sessoms, a repeat felon, has since been charged with first degree murder.

     Reports suggest that the inter-racial killing was in retaliation for Cannon riding his bike onto Sessoms' yard, but that seems uncertain and improbable.  Not even the most deranged neighborhood crank would plausibly resort to such disproportionate retaliation.
     This appalling inter-racial murder cries out for attention, public exposure, and remorseless law enforcement prosecution.  Yet, as in countless other cases of black-on-white crime (see links above), the mainstream media has deliberately and maliciously ignored and suppressed the story.  

     The most infuriating aspect of the media and political culture's deliberate disregard of Cannon Hinnant's murder is its enormous disparity compared to the absolute orgy of national coverage and social reaction regarding the killing of repeat felon George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers.  

     As we all know by now, Floyd's killing -- in connection with his lawful arrest for counterfeiting -- triggered saturation media coverage for weeks, which in turn triggered violent street riots in cities throughout the country.  It also resulted in an onslaught of pro-black/anti-white/anti-police political and policy reaction -- like the "defund police" movement --  while exacerbating and inflaming racial resentment against whites.  

     Yet to any observer with a brain and a civilized soul, the murder of Cannon Hinnant was far more shocking and insidious than Floyd's killing.  Hinnant was an entirely innocent five-year child playing in his family's yard.  Floyd, in contrast, was a six-foot-six repeat violent felon who was being arrested for yet another crime to be added to his rap sheet.  Although Floyd's killing was unjustified and reprehensible, it was far more understandable in context than the absolutely malicious murder of an innocent and defenseless little boy.

     Yet the democrats and the media deliberately cover-up the little white boys' murder, while producing weeks of saturation and inflammatory coverage to the killing of the violent black felon.  To the democrats and the media -- and their mindless supporters in the electorate -- little white lives don't matter; publicizing such murders would undercut their obsession with the BLM mantra.

   Why do the media and the democrat left engage in this obscene evil?  Because the MSM is in close collaboration and cooperation with the Democratic Party and the political left to foster the fraudulent narrative that anti-black racism pervades America, resulting in the continued oppression and official violence against blacks.  Relentlessly repeated episodes of black-on-white violence undermine this narrative, and are therefore systematically suppressed by the left and relegated to the contemporary equivalent of the memory holes depicted in George Orwell's 1984.
   The endlessly repeated and pervasive canard that white racism pervades American society is patently and demonstrably false.  If any form of racism pervades this country, it is the insidiously cultivated anti-white hatred stoked on a nightly basis by the TV news shows, Democrat propaganda, crime programs, music shows, and, yes, even advertisements.  While crime shows persistently depict violent criminals as overwhelmingly white, blacks consistently constitute 50% and more of such perpetrators.  These shows create a deliberately misleading portrayal of America's crime profile.  

     As demonstrated in SR's above-cited posts and countless other articles and statistical reports, black-on-white violent crime far exceeds white-on-black violent crime, including murder.  And has, consistently, for decades.  Government-enforced discrimination runs exclusively in favor of blacks and hispanics and against whites and the one minority the left either ignores or scorns, the East Asian-Americans.  The dominant media, educational, and athletic culture openly perpetuate the myth of pervasive anti-black law enforcement, especially with their slavish and mindless embrace of the incendiary Black Lives Matter movement.

     Having given their endorsement to BLM's savage and murderous violence in cities throughout American, these quislings have cultivated the environment that allows a violent black ex-con to murder an innocent five-year old white child at point-blank range near his home -- without even a murmur of outrage in the national media.

     Meanwhile, Democrat nominee Joe Biden's selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as his vice-presidential running mate is merely the latest reflection of the profoundly distorted racial notions that pervade American politics and culture.  

     Needless to say, Splashing Rocks has already identified and demonstrated Sen. Harris's extreme afro-racism in a post published early in the Democrat nomination battle.  See The Racial Radicalism of Kamala Harris (July 26, 2019).  We then thought that Harris was the likely Democrat choice for president and, naturally, wanted to expose her dangerously radical views and policies on American's critical racial issues.  

     Although Harris proved a woeful political failure even in the left-dominated democrat primaries, she nonetheless will find herself a mere aneurysm or dementia breakdown away from the presidency in the event Biden wins in November.  In that event, the relegation of non-leftist White Americans to the humiliating status of subordinate, and politically hapless scapegoats will be assured.

     As yet further evidence of the prevalence of institutionalized black preference in our culture and politics, Sen. Harris was selected for the Democrats' Vice Presidential nomination on the basis of race from a cohort limited to  prospects who were both female and minority.  Indeed, Biden and the democrats were open and explicit about this discriminatory limitation, and proud of it.  (Ironically, Kamala Harris is not really an African-American; she is 50% Asiatic-Indian on her mother's side, and 50% Jamaican-African on the father's side).  Why the Democrats' other loyal ethnic minority, the Hispanics, do not seem to resent their ultimate exclusion from the VP selection process is puzzling.

     While the media laughably propagates the fraud that Harris is a moderate -- even Obama acolytes have mocked this sham -- the hard record demonstrates that she is not only a hard leftist, but the most far-left member of the Democrat's senate caucus.  But, as we have already demonstrated, it is her racial radicalism that makes Harris such a deeply dangerous candidate.

     Apart from her support of such radical racial policies as reparations for slavery, return to forced racial busing, and fraudulent race-based abolition of the death penalty and other anti-law enforcement initiatives, Harris's response to two notorious race-related episodes should remove any doubt concerning her ingrained racial biases.

     The alleged attack in Chicago on black actor Jussie Smollett by purported white men wearing MAGA hats is one of the most outrageous and insidious racial and political frauds of recent times.  Despite entrenched resistance to the truth by liberal media and race-baiters, it was soon authoritatively established that the episode was a deliberate ruse.  Smollett had, in fact, hired two black males to stage an attack on him so he could claim he had been attacked by Trump-supporting whites and thus strike a blow against Trump and his white supporters.  After extensive waste of resources by the Chicago police, the scam blew up in Smollett's face.  He was subsequently indicted by a grand jury on 16 felony counts in connection with his false report of an alleged "hate crime."  

     Kamala Harris, however, was one of the most outspoken advocates and supporters of the Smollett hoax.  When anyone with a functioning brain began to see through this insidious ploy, Harris was lending her unqualified support to Smollett and his racial fraud with this posting on her Twitter account:

     “Jussie Smollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery,” the senator wrote.  "This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.”

     Harris not only endorsed Smollett's fraudulent claims, but conveniently exploited then in support of an incendiary anti-lynching bill she was pushing (genuine lynching is of course first degree murder, fully punishable as such by existing law).

     In complete contrast to her prompt and enthusiastic support of fraudulent non-victim Jussie Smollett, Harris has had nothing to say about the truly outrageous, and indisputably genuine, murder of Cannon Hinnant.  

     In short, when the purported victim of violent crime is black, and the (falsely) alleged perps are white, Sen. Harris virtually leaps at the opportunity to issue an unqualified endorsement of even patently dubious allegations and unqualified sympathy and support for the dubious victim.   

     But in the face of unambiguous evidence of the brutal and unprovoked murder of an innocent five-year old white boy in front of his family, Harris is simply silent (SR's internet search for any reaction on Harris' part found nothing) and unconcerned.

     To vice-presidential candidate Harris, black lives definitely matter, but the murderous loss of a young white life is evidently inconsequential.  This is what we can expect from Harris should she ever ascend to the presidency.

     Addendum:  No sooner is the "ink dry" on our post about the ignored murder of Cannon Hinnant, than another vicious murder of a young white person by black hoodlums is overlooked by the national media.  On Saturday night, August 15, 17-year old Veronica Baker was murdered outside a Bojangles restaurant in Raleigh, NC.  Devin Cordell Jones, 17, has been charged in the murder.  Three other black teens, ages 18-19, were also arrested and charged as felony accessories.  Simply more evidence of the obscenely disproportionate outrage incited by the mainstream national media with their obsessive focus on occasional offensive incidents of police violence against blacks (usually accompanying a legitimate arrest), while deliberately ignoring the overwhelming prevalence of black-on-white inter-racial violent crime.  Indeed, it is demonstrably the case that msm outlets devote more attention to, for example, cases of alleged verbal harassment of blacks by whites than they devote to actual unprovoked murders of whites by blacks, like the two noted here.  There can be absolutely no doubt that the msm outlets would have headlined and repeated reports of this incident had the races of the participants been reverse.